CantoNews For Everybody


My life goal is full global supremacy for Cantonese and I stand by it. However, that doesn’t mean that other languages can’t frolic happily alongside this most fun and happening of all tongues. Also, it doesn’t mean that everyone in the world must become 100% fluent in Cantonese. No, being able to speak just a couple of hundred words and string a few sentences together (like ordering a beer and some light bar snacks) will do!

So I’ve started shooting a new film series: CantoNews. It’s Cantonese from absolute scratch, starting with 係唔係 (hai m hai – is/not is)

Watch this space


Oh, and who wants to be in the next one? No skills needed, only a love of Cantonese, extreme physical beauty and a willingness to learn.

世界 (Sai gai – the world)
新聞 (San man – news)
流利 (lau lei – fluent)

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to find out how you can start learning Cantonese.