Order On The Table, Order In The Head

I have some victims who have been at it (learning Cantonese) for a while, and have dozens if not hundreds of pages of course material. In loose sheets. When I suggest they try to put these papers in something resembling order for example in a ring-binder, they scoff: “I thrive on creative chaos!” (They are investment bankers.)

But while they are creatively looking through a million sheets of course material and notes, valuable minutes and years tick by. Their more organised study mates have to sit through the endless rustling for hours on end, patiently tapping their fingers. This is not fair.

People – get your papers in order! You could do worse than taking a leaf out of ah-On’s book (ha ha) -see photo above. Put the stuff in categories and have some kind of marker or flap indicating where everything is. Get rid of the clutter and I promise you that your Cantonese will improve no end. You wouldn’t live in a house that messy, would you?

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