Fumbling In The Dark
Look at this photo. Dawn, right? Just starting to get light? Wrong. It’s my camera that’s so great, it can take photos even when it’s too dark for the human eye to see anything, and I mean anything at all, like the name of the hotel, the street name – anything. Including “cute” little canals with little narrow bridges and ankle-height concrete blocks that wold have crushed our bones had we not decided to hole up in the only place with light to wait for the real dawn:
Down with Hunan
湖南 – Wu Lam (Lake South/Hunan)
黑茫茫 – Hak Mong Mong (Dark as the grave)
我以後唔會講湖南 -O yihau m wui gong Wu Lam (I’ll never talk about Hunan again)