The End Of The Wall As We Know It

This is probably my favourite spot in all of China – apart from the Lo Wu Shopping Center of course. It’s Jiayuguan Fort far into Gansu province and is said to be the end of

Caring and Sharing

I’m currently in Hunan province and thought I would share this, one of many wonderful English signs we’ve seen during the last few days, with you. Throwing garbage into the dustbin is indeed lofty behaviour,

Overlooked Film

Here is a film I feel hasn’t had the number of views it deserves. Chinese New Year is coming up and what better way to celebrate it than being at one with nature? Tomorrow we’ll

It’s Unfortunately Working

Have just come back from yet another extremely fulfilling and surreal trip to the hinterland – this time Shaoguan in the north-west of Guangdong province to which only the coincidence of October 1st, China’s national

Language In Symbols

Tibetan Prayer Flags Chinese Prayer Flags

New Addition To Country Club

Here is the view from my roof on a good day. But even on a not so good day it’s worth visiting, because guess what: My PERSONAL SICHUAN ROOFTOP RESTAURANT has now been enhanced with

Today’s Classifier: 0的

Well, it’s not really a classifier as such, because classifiers are used to classify specific things, as we’ve seen before in for example:  我有兩隻狗,(o yau leung jek gau) – I have two dogs. 0的 (di)

Quick, before it goes away forever:

This is your last chance to see anything swine flu related for a long time. That sickness is well and truly gone in a big cloud of tiny rocks from inside the Etna something jökull.

A Word on Word Order

It seems to be that one of the biggest problems in Canto, especially for native English speakers, is word order. But that’s what you should pay the most attention to in my opinion. Look at

Swine Flu – Only Hong Kong Supports It

I’m going back to those scraggy crags today! Now you can come too. Just click on China Tours and you’re there!

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