More About That! 嗰

嗰個人係四川人 (go go yan hai Sei Chyun yan – that piece person is Four River person, that person is from Sichuan)

嗰個人 (go go yan – that piece person). That should be pretty plain sailing by now. But how about ‘those people’? People is just 人 (yan), whether there are one million of them or just one. There is no plural of nouns in Chinese. But we differentiate between one and more than one by using the word 0啲 (di – some, more, -er) as in

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嗰啲人(go DI yan – that SOME people, those people)
嗰啲人係四川人 (go DI yan hai Sei Chyun yan – that SOME people is Four River people, those people are from Sichuan)


嗰啲餓飲水 (go di o yam seoi – that some goose drink water, those geese are drinking water)

More about this tomorrow; yes there’s more!

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