Finally Lantau Becomes Modern

Recently we Lantau residents have been bombarded with information about how our lives will be so infinitely better; first with the mega-incinerator with its “no emissions” and now with another 1 million people in the enormous and underpopulated wasteland of Mui Wo.


Finally we, too, will have high-rises and MTR stations, six-lane highways filled bumper to bumper with freedom-cars, and the ferries packed to the rafters every day instead of only on weekends, the way it boringly is now. Ah – progress! Thank you HK government who, in order to prop up a construction company, inadvertently (against your will, some would say) makes everybody happy!


Now it’s just a question of what to do with the stubborn and unreasonable cattle, but as Elvis Au is fond of saying when questioned about how poisonous emissions from incinerators will fit together with beach life and recreation: “It shouldn’t be a problem”. I agree. The damned parasites can find another island if they’re so fond of islands. So – great! Crank up the pile driver. We’re ready.

地鐵站 – Dei tit chaam (MTR Station)
水牛 – Seoi au (Water cow/buffalo)
大嶼山有好多牛 – Dai Yu Saan yau hou doh au (Lantau Island have many cow/ There are many cows on Lantau)

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