Articles from the original website

Enormous Oversight

About those language teaching videos (one Cantonese for beginners, one Cantonese for the more adventurous and, yes! I admit it! Even a survival Mandarin video called Stay Grounded) – all these years they’ve had this really low price because my goal isn’t to roll and roll in coin, but to enable Cantonese to take the leadership role on the world stage that it deserves.

Also of course I want as many as possible to join the exclusive club “Cantonese Speakers” for their own sakes and to enhance their lives.

But guess what – the price, although low, is just written as $. Now I’m getting notices from people who think it’s US$!!!!

No no no. The prices are Hong Kong Dollars. . So: Not grotesquely expensive but rather: A pittance!

Buy the videos today and learn Cantonese without really trying in the comfort of your own… wherever you may be.

港幣 – Gong bai (Hong Kong Dollars)
美金 – Mei gam (US Dollars)
我識講廣東話 – Oh sek gong Gong Dong Wah (I can speak Cantonese)

STOP PRESS! All the prices are now in US$!!!

New! SKYPE Cantonese 

Learn Cantonese online

Now you can live absolutely anywhere in the world, miles away from the nearest Chinese person, but learn Cantonese - day or night. And unlike our other students, you won’t even have to get out of bed or brush your teeth to enjoy the full impact of the course! That’s why SKYPE Cantonese costs less than face-to-face Cantonese.

We come to your office while your colleagues are working! Your company pays for lessons but you will still be able to participate in all the leisure activities the Language Bureau offers such as language seminars in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, film making, podcasting etc.

Small group Cantonese classes

Group training in Central

It’s more fun to study in a group, that can’t be denied. Group study is less intense than one-to-one lessons and there’s even more laughter, joy and frivolousness, as well as social life.  And of course the price is much lower. Although sticking to a set time and place every week (or twice a week) is the best, the Bureau tries to accommodate everybody and with enough notice, the times can be changed if the other group members agree.