Down With Simplified Characters
In a country where the government is so hysterically set on everybody doing everything the government way, for example by banning beautiful, normal Chinese characters on buildings (it must be ‘crippled’, i.e. simplified characters or nothing) it’s heartwarming to see people defying the edicts with such panache.
The above photo was taken in Jek Haam (赤坎), a beautiful town in Guangdong province. Not only was the town not razed to the ground and replaced with white-tiled, Alcatraz-metal windows buildings, it was also fully inhabited and bursting with normal characters.
I hate simplified characters more and more. They are ugly, cheapening, have no meaning, and most of all they are a symbol of communist cultural imperialism and destruction.
This is a business in Hong Kong. Here is the same business in the mainland:
Enough said!