Möre About Bööks 書

In all the (sad lack of) hullaballooooo about publishing my latest book online, I completely forgot I have published two books before. For the Cantonese learner and perhaps other people interested in China, Don’t Joke On The Stairs might be of interest.

How could I forget? I’m proud of that book, dammit. It has photos and and all sorts. I just went on Amazon and there’s only one paperback copy left! And the reviews are rather splendid.

David I. Cahill: “Cecilie Gamst Berg adopts a breezy, conversational, humorous approach, designed to elicit non-stop, uproarious laughter at the everyday “surrealism” (her operating term) of China.”

Thomas Doherty: “Cecilie Gamst Berg brings the same wit we have become used when watching her Youtube Channel into the printed media. I found it hard to put down this book. I found her observations right on the money time after time.”

“I cannot remember the last time I read such an insightful, yet hilarious, assessment of modern China … I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone interested in China and Hong Kong and how, despite their problems, they remain fascinating to both the traveller and the resident.” (The Culture Vulture)

Buy the book, I say. But if you can’t be arsed to buy or read the book, here is at least Don’t Joke On The Stairs – the movie!

書 (syu- book)
戲 (hei – movie)