The Eagle has Flapped Away

Do you live in Hong Kong? Have you lived here for a number of years? (Any number higher than, say, one?) Then you must already be starting to get sick of people leaving.

Now it’s Frank’s turn (Frank is also known as Fei Yeng, Flying Eagle) and last night he was sent off in style in a karaoke bar.

I had to go home early but not before I had shown him my going-away song, called oh, Fei Yeng or something:

I am pleased with this song and every word in it is true. Big thanks to Quentin, Linda, Jo, Alan and all the other who contributed their time, ukulele, and voices (although these, sadly) were dubbed.

Frank admiring a beautiful painting by Alan complete with Flying Eagle, Honolulu and Jo and me singing away. Excellent art.

But don’t anyone else dare to leave, you hear? I’m getting sick of it! Sick, I say.

唱歌 – Cheung go (Sing song/to sing
唱 K – Cheung Kei (Sing karaoke)
卡拉 O.K. – Ka La Ou Kei (karaoke)